C# Basics for Beginners Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding

Master C# Basics in no Time – A Comprehensive Course Packed with Examples, tips and exercises!


Lecture: 39
Time Required: 3 hour
Downloadable Resources: 0
Access: Life Time
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of Completion


Visual Studio Community (FREE) Edition

What you will learn

Learn the Basics of C# and .NET Framework
Work with non-primitive types (classes, structs, arrays and enums)
Control the flow of programs using conditional statements
Work with files and directories
Work with date and time
Learn the difference between value types and reference types
Work with primitive types and expressions
Work with text
Debug C# applications effectively

Targeted Audience

Newbies Looking to Learn the basics of C# and .NET
Students Looking to Learn the basics of C# and .NET

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